ISRO Launches The EMISAT - Newsringer | News That Matters

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

ISRO Launches The EMISAT

ISRO Launches The EMISAT

Readers, welcome to your reading destination Newsringer "News That Matters".
On 1st April 2019, ISRO has launched EMISAT satellite along with a lot of other international satellite.
India’s PSLV-C45 successfully injected EMISAT and 28 other international customer satellites into their designated orbits. They include 24 small satellite from the US the other four are from Lithuania, Spain and Switzerland.

Why foreign customer choose ISRO?

There is a big difference in terms of cost per mission For e.g. The Falcon 9 launch vehicle’s cost per launch comes up to $62 million, while ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) cost roughly around $15 million per launch.

About the Launch

India’s PSLV in its 47th mission (PSLV-C45) launched EMISAT along with 28 international satellites from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR Sriharikota. EMISAT was  launched in a 749 km orbit and the rest satellites were released in 504 km orbit.

Salient features of EMISAT

  • Lift Off Weight: 436 kg
  • Altitude: 749 km
  • Inclination: 93.376 deg
  • Power: 800 W
Mission Infographics

EMISAT mission and its Significance:

The Eelectromagnetic Intelligence Satellite (EMISAT)  this is a military intelligence satellite , it was developed by DRDO, it took 8 years to build it.EMISAT is primarily based on the famous Israeli spy satellite called SARAL or (Satellite with Argos and ALtika), and inherits its SSB-2 bus protocol for conducting sharp electronic surveillance across the length and breadth of India.The satellite would serve as the country’s roving device for detecting and gathering electronic intelligence from enemy radars across the borders as its circles the globe roughly pole to pole every 90 minute or so. It detects electronic signals on ground, especially hidden enemy radars. This capacity will help India in surgical warfare.EMISAT has been developed under DRDO’s Project Kautilya which aims to boost India's space surveillance capacity.

Our Opinion:

Out of 47 operational satellite, India currently has six to eight satellite, which are used entirely for military purposes.India is well on its way to establishing itself as a space superpower, with multiple ambitious yet successful missions over the course of time. Today, we can add another feather to our cap with the successful execution of the PSLV-C45 mission.

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